Kalispell, Montana to Klamath Falls, Oregon ESA Relief ConvoyResidents of Kalispell, Montana who have seen livelihoods destroyed by the Endangered Species Act (ESA) will caravan to Klamath Falls, Oregon bringing solidarity and support to another community recently devastated by the ESA. Dubbed "The Convoy of Tears," participants will depart August 18 carrying jugs of water (tears) as a symbolic gesture for 1400 Klamath basin farm families in crisis after having their irrigation water turned off by federal officials. More substantial aid in the form of food, animal feed, money and goodwill will also be delivered when the convoy reaches its destination August 21. Rallies will be held in communities along the route which passes through northern Idaho and southeastern Washington on its way to Oregon. Additional donations will be collected and the convoy is expected to grow in size as it proceeds. In Klamath Falls the caravan will be joined similar convoys from California and Nevada. A full day of activities is planned in Klamath August 21 when the convoys make their deliveries. Route and schedule information for the Montana convoy is posted on the web at: Information on the other caravans will be posted as it becomes available.
Contact informationMONTANA Kalispell:
Jayne Strash <jaynewhitney@yahoo.com>
Cathy Aastrom <jmpnfish@hotmail.com>
KGEZ radio <info@z600.com> IDAHO Idaho/Lewis/Clearwater/Nez Perce Counties: Note: This group is organizing a caravan to depart from Kamiah, Idaho August 20. This is one day after the Montana convoy passes through.
Tom Simmons <toms@camasnet.com>
Joann Mider <jmider@camasnet.com>
Columbia County Farm Bureau Store Kennewick (not on the convoy route but accepting donations):
Suzie Murphy <shawnsuzie@msn.com> Kennewick DONATION DROP (8/18 DEADLINE):
Kennewick Ranch & Home Supply Pasco DONATION DROP (8/18 DEADLINE):
Pasco Ranch & Home Supply Walla Walla:
Steve Washam <klamath@computermail.com>
Mark Klicker Walla Walla DONATION DROP and CONVOY STOP:
L&G Ranch Supply OREGON
Pendleton: (Nevada convoy)
Tammy Dennee Hermiston: Hermiston Water Coalition 541-564-0279 Bend:
Jeanne Hallmark <Granneejeanne@cs.com> Klamath Falls:
Bill Oetting <RBLRZR@aol.com>
Joe Bair <Bairj@aol.com>
A Canal Headgates Phone Events scheduled in Klamath August 21 - Freedom Day 2001:
Klamath Relief Fund http://www.klamath-relief-fund.com/ Tax deductible contributions to the Klamath Relief Fund may be made at any branch of U.S. Bank. GENERAL INFORMATION
Klamath Relief
Convoy Logistics Discussion Board:
Klamath Basin Water Crisis: |
Questions? Comments? Corrections? Additions? Convoy Logistics Discussion Board: http://disc.server.com/Indices/164197.html Klamath Basin Water Crisis: http://www.klamathbasincrisis.org