Ads above this line provided by for your enjoyment.

The schedule as of August 14, 2001 is:

1. Convoy leaves Malibu pier at noon on August 15th

2. Convoy Rally at 2:00 in Bakerfield on the 16th. Rally
location will be at the Kern County Farm Bureau on Mt Vernon and
Hwy 58. Speakers scheduled are Fred Star Sr., Jim Crettol and
Assemblyman Dean Florez. An auction is planned: Buckets will be
on the auction block.

3. The Tulare rally will be on the 16th, from 5PM to 6PM at the

4. Hot dogs and soft drinks will be served at noon in Fresno on
the 17th; location Fresno County Farm Bureau, 1274 W. Hedges.
The only confirmed speaker is Phil Larson but we are waiting for
confirmation of Mike Briggs and possibly others. Donations of
cash, food and clothing will be accepted on behalf of the
Klamath Farmers.

5. Activities planned in Modesto the evening of the 17th at the
Archway in town.

6. Activities planned morning of August 18th at Jess Ranch off
580 in Pleasanton. In Altamont Pass area.

7. Activities planned for Sacramento, at Arco Arena

NOTE: Willows is holding to a previous schedule with a rally
on the 18th at 4PM.  contact: 
Kathy Kampschmidt

8. Convoy will be stopping in Willows at noon on the 19th.
Location of the rally will be off I 5 Tractor dealership

9. Convoy plans to stop in Cottonwood the evening of the 19th.
Info to be confirmed later.

10. The plans are for a stop in Yreka/Weed the evening of the
20th. The Grange in Yreka has generously donated a spaghetti
dinner for all those participating in the California Convoy and
for locals who wish to join in.  They are planning an informal
rally also.

*** UPDATE ***
The contact phone number over the weekend
will be 530 842-1629 and the contact person is the president of
the Grange Rick Butler

The Grange Hall is located at the end of Ranch Lane in Yreka.
Take the Yreka /Fort Jones/ Etna exit, go under the freeway make
a right and go two blocks to Ranch Lane and make a left. You
will run into the Grange Hall.

The convoy Reception parade in scheduled at 10:00am in Klamath
Falls on the 21st. Parade begins at the intersection of Hwy 39
and Hwy 140 and proceeds to the Courthouse to offload the bucket
at 10:20, before continuing to the fairgrounds. Opening
ceremonies at the fairgrounds at noon. Busses will run to the
headgates continuously.

All locations welcome our participation and donations of food
and clothing. Probably cash donations should be in the form of
checks or M.O.'s. A showing of support for the farmers and a
united front against the ESA is important for all locations.
Plan to be at the location near you. Make our presence known.

Older info below, with some contact numbers:

CA Convoy Update
Date: 8/13/01

Contact Information:

Grant Gerber  775.738.9258

Don Amador    925.625.6287 BRC Office
              925.899.9807 Cell

Joe Bair        541-884-6312
Bill Oetting    541-850-9495


Malibu (8.15.01)  -  Malibu Pier -- Noon
Contact: Grant Gerber 775.738.9258
Candy Statenboro 818.652.2972
Cassey Alesso 661.948.6571

Bakersfield (08.16.01 - 2 pm)
Take Mt. Vernon exit off of Hwy 58 - go about 1/4 mile - look for signs
Contact: Norma Rapp 661.366.5736
Loren Hodge 661.397.9635

Tulare (08.16.01 - 6 pm)
Take Laspina St. exit -- go short distance to Agri-Center - watch for signs
Contact: Kelly Deming - 559.584.3557
Cheryl Lehn - 559.732.8301

Fresno (08.17.01 - Noon)
Farm  Bureau Office --  1274 W. Hedges
Contact: Phil Larson - 559.846.8805
Julie Dittman - 559.237.0263

Modesto  (08.17.01 -6 pm)
Archway in town

Tracy/Tri-Valley (8.18.01 - morning)
Jess Ranch (Altamont Pass area -- call contacts for directions)
Contact: John Bambey - 510.352.4084
Jerry Corda 415.663.1231

Sacramento (08.18.01 -  4-5 pm)
Arco Arena
Contact: Cassey Stone 707.693.9061 / 530.681.1402 cell
Kevin Fondse 209.931.4931

CONFLICT NOTE: Willows is having a rally, Saturday the 18th,
4:00 P.M. at Valley Tractor (John Deere Dealership) which is
just off I-5 to the West, right by the Willows Airport. This was
previously scheduled and will be held on the 18th as planned.

Willows (08.19.01 - 4-5pm) (now just a pickup?)
Valley Tractor Dealership
Contact: Kathy Kampschmidt - 530.934.4500

Red Bluff/Redding  (08.19.01 - Eve)
Contact: Linda Jankins - 530.527.7882

Yreka (08.20.01 - Eve)
530 842-1629 Rick Butler
Spagetti Feed at Greenhorn Grange

Questions? Comments? Corrections? Additions?

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Klamath Basin Water Crisis: