Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2001 10:32:47 -0700 From: Richard Gierak <rgierak2@inreach.com> Hi Steve; We need to update the information on the Grange spaghetti feed in Yreka. The contact phone number over the weekend will be 530 842-1629 and the contact person is the president of the Grange Rick Butler. Grant Gerber will be attending and will speak at the Grange. Thanks Richard Gierak
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 21:22:47 -0700 It is our pleasure and honor to be able to host the convoy members in this endeavor. We were active participants in the original Bucket Brigade and intend to follow through with this convoy. Richard Press release: GRANGE TO SUPPLY DINNER FOR KLAMATH RELIEF CONVOY The Greenhorn Grange in Yreka, CA, one of the nine Action Granges in California, fully supports the Klamath Relief Fund Convoy and has offered a free spaghetti dinner and a place to sleep for convoy members on Monday August 20. The Grange will open its doors and kitchen at its Hall located at 300 Ranch Lane in Yreka. A map with directions can be found at http://home.inreach.com/bergeron/map.htm We look forward to all of you and will have guest speakers to encourage us all in this effort. For information call 530 842-4400 and ask for Kathy or Leo Bergeron. |
Questions? Comments? Corrections? Additions? Convoy Logistics Discussion Board: http://disc.server.com/Indices/164197.html Klamath Basin Water Crisis: http://www.klamathbasincrisis.org