August 8, 2001 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contacts: Steve Washam Klamath Relief Convoys 509-522-2783 klamath@computermail.com klamath.50megs.com Mark Klicker Washington State Farm Bureau 509-520-7370 Rick or Steve Gerling L&G Ranch Supply 509-525-3730 Local business collects donations for water-deprived farmers Klamath relief caravan to deliver aid and goodwill WALLA WALLA -- A local business will serve as the drop-off point for donations to be delivered to charities in the Klamath Basin. L&G Ranch Supply, 2930 Isaacs Ave, Walla Walla, will be collecting food and money for the southern Oregon community currently suffering economic distress. The donations will be picked up August 19 when Montana residents concerned about the effects of the federal Endangered Species Act make a stop in Walla Walla en route to a rally in Klamath Falls, Ore. Dubbed "The Convoy of Tears," participants will depart August 18 from Kalispell, Mt. carrying jugs of water (tears) as a symbolic gesture for 1400 Klamath Basin farm families in crisis after having their irrigation water turned off by federal officials. More substantial aid in the form of food, animal feed and money will also be delivered when the convoy reaches its destination August 21. The caravan will join similar convoys from California and Nevada in Klamath Falls, where a full day of fundraising and other activities is planned. Participants along the route are being asked to contribute small jugs of water marked with their name and town, which will be poured on farmers' parched fields. A $5 donation for each jug delivered is being requested by the organizers. The convoy is expected to arrive in Walla Walla Sunday, August 19th, at noon to pick up donations. Checks can be made out to Klamath Relief Fund and either delivered to L&G Ranch Supply or mailed to: Klamath Relief Fund P.O. Box 5252 Klamath Falls, OR 97601 More information regarding the convoy effort and the Klamath Basin water crisis is posted on the web at http://klamath.50megs.com For further information contact Steve Washam: 509-522-2783, Mark Klicker: 509-520-7370, or L&G Ranch Supply: 509-525-3730 END |
Questions? Comments? Corrections? Additions? Convoy Logistics Discussion Board: http://disc.server.com/Indices/164197.html Klamath Basin Water Crisis: http://www.klamathbasincrisis.org