From: Donald C. Amador, 112531,1311 TO: "Amador", INTERNET:brdon_a@sharetrails.org DATE: 7/27/01 3:48 PM RE: Copy of: News Release-BRC Joins Farm Aid Convoy BLUERIBBON COALITION, INC. NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Don Amador - 925.625.6287 - BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc. - Email:brdon_a@sharetrails.org Grant Gerber - 775.738.2009 - Shovel/Bucket Brigade - Convoy/Auction Coordinator Date: July 27, 2001 (Photo from Klamath headgate is avail. upon request) RECREATION GROUP JOINS KLAMATH FARM AID CONVOY; SAYS ESA NEEDS OVERHAUL OAKLEY, CA -- The BlueRibbon Coalition is joining a growing effort to help farmers in the Klamath Basin who are being put out of business by the Endangered Species Act. Many recreation and multiple-use activities have also been banned or restricted because extreme anti-access groups are misusing the ESA to enact a political agenda that has little to do with science or protecting the environment. Dune-buggy and 4 wheel-drive riding areas in the desert Southwest have been closed to recreational users because of eco-lawsuits filed by preservationist groups to "protect" the Peirson's Milk-vetch. Beach access has been eliminated in California and Oregon because of the Western Snowy Plover. Cabin owners cannot gather downed trees for firewood in late successional reserves because of the Northern Spotted Owl. East Bay Regional Parks in the San Francisco Bay Area is just one lawsuit away from having to close camping areas because the California Red- Legged Frog was listed as an endangered species. Over 4 million acres have been listed as critical frog habitat because of a suit filed by the Center for Biodiversity. Don Amador, the western representative for the BlueRibbon Coalition, said, "I think it is important for the recreation community to lend support to the farmers who have been put out of work by a flawed ESA. The ESA needs a serious overhaul to bring some balance to the land-use equation. When 4th generation farmers are bankrupted because of an eco-lawsuit...something is terribly wrong." "All of us interested in responsible use of public and private lands should work together to protect access and property rights," Amador stated. "I would urge the Bush administration and Congress to take a hard look at the current ESA to see where corrections can be made so that 'people factors' can be included in the environmental equation. Balance must be found," Amador concludes. The Jarbidge Shovel Brigade is planning to help farmers in the Klamath Basin by staging three traveling auctions that will feature a giant steel bucket for the Bucket Brigade. On August 15, one convoy will leave Elko, Nevada and swing through the Pacific Northwest. The other group will start in the LA area and journey through the California Central Valley. A third caravan is leaving from Montana. All convoys are expected to arrive at Klamath Falls on August 21. # # # The BlueRibbon Coalition is a national recreation group that champions responsible use of public and private lands. It represents over 1,100 organizations and businesses with approximately 650,000 members. |
Questions? Comments? Corrections? Additions? Convoy Logistics Discussion Board: http://disc.server.com/Indices/164197.html Klamath Basin Water Crisis: http://www.klamathbasincrisis.org